2010年辽宁省赛 NBUT 1218【DFS实现树的遍历与更新】

    • [1218] You are my brother

    • 时间限制: 1000 ms 内存限制: 131072 K
    • 链接:NBUT 1218
    • 问题描述
    • Little
      A gets to know a new friend, Little B, recently. One day, they realize that they are family 500 years ago. Now, Little A wants to know whether Little B is his elder, younger or brother.

    • 输入
    • There are multiple test cases.

      For each test case, the first line has a single integer, n (n<=1000). The next n lines have two integers a and b (1<=a,b<=2000) each, indicating b is the father of a. One person has exactly one father, of course. Little A is numbered 1 and Little B is numbered

      Proceed to the end of file.

    • 输出
    • For each test case, if Little B is Little A’s younger, print “You are my younger”. Otherwise, if Little B is Little A’s elder, print “You are my elder”. Otherwise, print “You are my brother”. The output for each test case occupied exactly one line.
    • 样例输入
    • 5
      1 3
      2 4
      3 5
      4 6
      5 6
      1 3
      2 4
      3 5
      4 6
      5 7
      6 7
    • 样例输出
    • You are my elder
      You are my brother







    #include <cmath>
    #include <cstdio>
    #include <string>
    #include <cstring>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    using namespace std;
    #define FIN             freopen("input.txt","r",stdin)
    struct Node
        int Rank;
        vector<int> Son;
    } Nodes[2000 + 5];
    void dfs(int pos, const int& val)
        Nodes[pos].Rank += val;
        int num = Nodes[pos].Son.size();
        if(num == 0) return;
        for(int i = 0; i < num; i++)
            int &np = Nodes[pos].Son[i];
            dfs(np, val);
    void init()
        for(int i = 1; i <= 2000; i++)
            Nodes[i].Rank = 1;
    int main()
    //    FIN;
        int n, a, b;
        while(~scanf("%d", &n))
            for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                scanf("%d%d", &a, &b);
                dfs(a, Nodes[b].Rank);
            if(Nodes[1].Rank == Nodes[2].Rank)
                printf("You are my brother\n");
            else if(Nodes[1].Rank > Nodes[2].Rank)
                printf("You are my elder\n");
                printf("You are my younger\n");
        return 0;


    时间: 2024-04-22 03:39:24

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