scala 遇到过的问题

1:在我安装完scala的插件后,在打开方法的实现类(open implementactions)的时候,抛出这个异常,后来发现这个异常是因为我的scala的插件跟我eclipse版本不兼容导致的。

An error occurred while searching for implementations of method ‘getFinishOrdCustByOrderCode‘. See error log for details.



version:Mars.2 release (4,5,2)


4.0.0 release for scala 2.11.6



missing or invalid dependency detected while loading class file
‘RDDOperationScope.class‘. Could not access term annotation in value com.jackson, because
it (or its dependencies) are missing. Check your build definition for missing or conflicting
dependencies. (Re-run with `-Ylog-classpath` to see the problematic classpath.)
A full rebuild may help if ‘RDDOperationScope.class‘ was compiled against an incompatible
version of com.jackson.    scala_1    Unknown    Scala Problem
missing or invalid dependency detected while loading class file ‘RDDOperationScope.class‘.
Could not access term JsonInclude in value com.annotation, because it (or its
are missing. Check your build definition for missing or conflicting dependencies.
(Re-run with `-Ylog-classpath` to see the problematic classpath.) A full rebuild may help if
‘RDDOperationScope.class‘ was compiled against an incompatible version of com.annotation.
scala_1    Unknown    Scala Problem
missing or invalid dependency detected while loading class file
‘RDDOperationScope.class‘. Could not access term jackson in value com.fasterxml,
because it (or its dependencies) are missing. Check your build definition for missing or
conflicting dependencies. (Re-run with `-Ylog-classpath` to see the problematic classpath.)
A full rebuild may help if ‘RDDOperationScope.class‘ was compiled against an incompatible
version of com.fasterxml.    scala_1    Unknown    Scala Problem
missing or invalid dependency detected while loading class file ‘RDDOperationScope.class‘.
Could not access term annotation in value com.jackson, because it
(or its dependencies) are missing. Check your build definition for missing or conflicting dependencies.
(Re-run with `-Ylog-classpath` to see the problematic classpath.)
A full rebuild may help if ‘RDDOperationScope.class‘
was compiled against an incompatible version of com.jackson.    scala_1
Unknown    Scala Problem ////////////////////////////////缺少jackson包
missing or invalid dependency detected while loading class file ‘RDD.class‘.
Could not access term io in package org.apache.hadoop, because it (or its dependencies)
are missing. Check your build definition for missing or conflicting dependencies.
(Re-run with `-Ylog-classpath` to see the problematic classpath.) A full rebuild may help if
‘RDD.class‘ was compiled against an incompatible version of org.apache.hadoop.    scala_1
Unknown    Scala Problem //////////////////////////////缺少hadoop
时间: 2024-08-09 10:43:00

scala 遇到过的问题的相关文章

Scala Study --- override

以前没使用过Scala, 其实我Java也是半截水平\无奈, 学Java的时候刚从C++中挣脱出来,发现Java无比优雅,但很快又对Java种种不信任程序员的设计感到受限. 直到, , 今天遇到了Scala\撒花 Scala的collection设计不能更赞!一段时间后打算专门写篇文章总结Scala,名字就叫"我为什么喜欢Scala!". 废话就不多说了,今天研究了一下Scala的override用法与特点. override --- one of the key words of S

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我们使用“_” 来代替单个的参数,实际上你也可以使用“_”来代替整个参数列表,比如说,你可以使用 print _ 来代替 println (_). someNumbers.foreach(println _) Scala编译器自动将上面代码解释成: someNumbers.foreach( x => println (x)) 因此这里的“_” 代表了Println的整个参数列表,而不仅仅替代单个参数. 当你采用这种方法使用“_”,你就创建了一个部分应用的函数(partially applied


Scala中函数为头等公民,你不仅可以定义一个函数然后调用它,而且你可以写一个未命名的函数字面量,然后可以把它当成一个值传递到其它函数或是赋值给其它变量.下面的例子为一个简单的函数字面量(参考整数字面量,3 为一整数字面量). (x :Int ) => x +1 这是个函数字面量,它的功能为+1. 符好 => 表示这个函数将符号左边的东西(本例为一个整数),转换成符号右边的东西(加1). 函数字面量为一个对象(就像3是个对象),因此如果你愿意的话,可以把这个函数字面量保持在一个变量中.这个变量


Scala提供了多种方法来简化函数字面量中多余的部分,比如前面例子中filter方法中使用的函数字面量,完整的写法如下: (x :Int ) => x +1 首先可以省略到参数的类型,Scala可以根据上下文推算出参数的类型,函数定义可以简化为: (x) => x +1 这个函数可以进一步去掉参数的括号,这里的括号不起什么作用: x => x +1 Scala 还可以进一步简化,Scala允许使用”占位符”下划线”_”来替代一个或多个参数,只要这个参数值函数定义中只出现一次,Scala编